This is an area that is often looked at hand in hand with employee turnover. Employee turnover relates to the proportion of employees who leave an organisation over a set period and is usually used as a management information tool.

Retention looks at the number of employees, measured as a proportion of employees with a specified length of service.

Whilst these two areas may seem like statistics and data, as with any data there is a narrative behind this and Blue Star HR can help you with managing the issues that may be negatively impacting on your figures and in turn, your organisational performance.

There is no set point at which once your data hits a certain level, then your organisation is considered to be negatively impacted. This is often a gradual impact and that is even more reason as to why it is important to continually monitor the figures and the narrative behind the figures.

Getting to know your team and learning what motivates them to succeed can be a great starting point. In addition to this, you can glean their feedback on their working environment through the use of surveys but these need to be done effectively ensuring you are asking the right questions and that employees trust the process. This is where Blue Star HR’s help can come in.

Our team are familiar with a variety of systems to help create, design and execute surveys and can guide you through processing the results and using these to inform strategy and increase your retention.

The team also have a wealth of knowledge and experience to look at a variety of methods for improving retention in a mixture of companies and industries to ensure that the best fit for you is chosen.

A fun image of Karen, a director of Blue Star HR, with some dogs

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