This term is used to describe the relationship between both parties, the employer and the employees and often covers the legally binding part of the relationship set out in the contract of employment. The term also covers the involvement of informing and consulting the workforce regarding any changes to the relationship and recognising that employees may also want to be represented collectively and sometimes through trade unions.

Contract law is an important area of law to understand and know how to follow correctly. The Blue Star HR team have experience of following the law and keeping up to date with changes and can issue you a contract of employment and accompanying policies that are reviewed by an employment lawyer and fit for purpose in your organisation.

As part of this term, we have to look at conflict or a breakdown in the employment relationship and how this can be resolved efficiently and within the legal parameters. Often during these situations, it can be beneficial to involve a third party who can remain impartial and look at the situation with a fresh pair of eyes and help all parties to move forward and obtain the right outcome.

Our team are experienced mediators and have extensive experience in working with employers to work in unison with trade union representatives and employees to follow processes and achieve the desired result.

A fun image of Karen, a director at Blue Star HR with some dogs

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