In previous newsletters, we have advised on how to deal with ‘heat of the moment’ resignations. It is important that where resignations may be handed in during the ‘heat of the moment’ and often verbally or not expressly clear of whether they actually intend to leave such as phrases like ‘I cannot do this’ or ‘I am done’. It is important to ensure clarity is sought and cooling off periods are applied where the individual can revisit what was said and confirm if it is still their intention to resign.
If you have followed this process and determined that the employee does not intend to resign then it may be that you need follow up with an alternative process to address any issues, they may have that led to this situation.
If the individual is intending to resign. You need to be equipped to ensure you have covered everything in relation to processing them as a leaver such as ensuring they receive the appropriate pay due to them in line with your contractual obligations and employment law.
It is important to embed a thorough off-boarding process just as you would when on-boarding employees, so that employees have a positive experience from start to finish. The process also allows you to glean feedback from the departing employees which can be used to contribute to improving practices.